Ready to Break-Free From the Black Dog?
Regain Control of Your Life – Today!
Depression is a label, it’s something you do; it is not who you are – and you can break-free of it.
I guide men in how to use the right tools, to regain confidence, rebuild their mindset, and start living again with meaning, purpose and direction.
Regain Control
of your Life now
Feeling stuck, fearing failure, and like there are no options available to you?
Jillian – Black Dog Whisperer, will guide you through the steps to regain control of your life and discover what’s possible for you. You can reach your personal and business goals. YOU can change your life.
Jillian will work with you to get clarity on the changes you want to create and teach you the tools to transform your life. Learn which life changing steps you can take to empower yourself. Stop feeling not good enough, or unworthy, like this is all your deserve. You deserve so much more in life. And you can create it!
Are you ready to empower yourself and regain control of your life? With the tools of language – it’s as simple as changing your self-talk and discovering what beliefs you hold – mindset and communication.
About Black DOg Whisperer

Jillian is a Mindset and Communication Coach, Results Coach, Master Practitioner of NLP, Master Conscious-Hypnotist, and Master mBIT/mBraining Coach. Jillian focuses on empowerment and bringing the right tools for men to break-free of the black dog, regain control of their life and live a fulfilling life of meaning, direction and purpose. The right tools for you, with the right strategies for you to take a step forward in life, means you get to where you want to be, faster.
Jillian plays an important role in working with men to identify what’s holding them back and works with them to discover what resources they already have within themselves to take action and build the life they want to live.
My Approach
My clients say they know I am always listening to what is both said and unsaid. They feel seen and heard in new ways they have not experienced before. Helping clients to listen to themselves in new ways, and learning new tools for this, is an important aspect of my approach.
Outcomes and
clarity = results
I help people get clear on their outcomes and the results they want. I believe my clients have the answers they seek and will create their own solutions. I offer strategies to uncover new possibilities within an environment of choice.
how you want life to
be different
Fear of failure, feeling trapped, and losing touch with yourself can hold us back from achieving what we want in life. Discover what is holding you back and what steps you can take to make life fun and interesting again.
Take action
Working together, we will develop achievable and realistic strategies which are sustainable and can be implemented instantly, so you can start taking action today! Actions change things – changing your life starts with one small step. You can change your World.
How Jillian Can Help You
It’s easy sometimes to lose sight of who you are. Together we will take the steps to help you connect with who you are being, how you show up in the world and who you want to be.
It is easy to get lost in our career, in our relationships, and feel stuck in life events from our past. You find yourself living up to the expectations of others and performing a role you feel obligated to perform, rather than doing what you want more of in life or pursuing something you are passionate about.
Jillian is here to help you take a step back from everything and reconnect with yourself to rediscover who you are – find yourself. When you start discovering who you want to be, the life you want to have, and the things you want to achieve, it will become a lot clearer as to what you can do to take control of your life. It’s simple when you know how.
Talk to meStress is the number one killer, underlying all chronic disease. In the space of a few weeks, managing stress and ensuring you have adequate sleep can change the way you age and improve your health and well-being.
Ground breaking research by internationally renowned Elizabeth Blackburn, a homegrown Aussie, has demonstrated that the ageing process seen in Telomeres, can be reversed. Why are Telomeres important? They are like the plastic caps on your shoelaces, located on your DNA strands and are shortened by stress and lack of sleep as well as other lifestyle factors. The shorter they are, the less number of times your cells can regenerate, meaning you see earlier onset of age related diseases such as cardio-vascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Conscious Hypnosis is a powerful way to work to reduce your stress and increase your restful sleep and start lengthening your Telomeres. Through NLP we can work to develop some sustainable strategies to support you in creating a healthier life to have more energy to do the things you love. The longer your Telomeres, the healthier you will be and the longer you will live a healthier life.
Talk to meHave you noticed you’re succeeding in your professional life at the expense of all other areas in your life?
A big tell-tale sign that you’re struggling with balance in your life is that you’ll either hear loved ones tell you or you’ll be feeling stuck and unfulfilled, like you are missing out.
Leading a busy professional life can come at the cost of your personal relationships. You might even be noticing that you’re feeling lonely or that you have no time for fun and the things you love or the people you love.
Jillian is here to support you in discovering where in your personal life you feel you’re suffering, to help you identify the areas where you could apply some strategies to overcome personal challenges. Getting caught up in business life is so easy and often you can feel it runs your life. Jillian can help you figure out how you can better manage your time and design your life. Take control of your life. You can create time for the things you love and have time with the people you love – live the life you want.
Talk to meLife can feel like a never ending cycle where there is no progress or movement, you feel stuck, living the same life over and over – nothing changes.
Action changes things; nothing changes without action. Start taking purposeful, deliberate action, bold action, massive action, to achieve what you want. Taking action is incredibly powerful. You can achieve your goals, you can have what you want in life.
It can be uncomfortable to make changes; without change, you remain stuck or travelling in the same direction, doing what’s comfortable, and getting the same results. Getting the same results can start to become uncomfortable. If you want life to be different and if you want different outcomes, changing what you do and being able to make changes along the way will deliver it. You can start taking action today.
Talk to meHow you can benefit
Know you can take control
Stop feeling like you have no power in your life and that everything is out of your hands.
Be empowered to create
You are in control of creating the life you want and getting the results you crave. Feel empowered to change your life and achieve results in your personal life and business.
Create realistic achievable goals
Creating realistic achievable goals and actions to achieve them, allows you to take control and feel confident that you can create success. Having sustainable strategies means you can overcome anything that comes your way. Lose the fear of failure – we learn so much more when we fail. Failure is the beginning of your success.
Packages For Change
Reclaim your power
If you want to supercharge your results and accelerate your way to achieving what you want in life, I highly recommend Reclaim Your Power to get you to where you want to go, faster, and with greater depth and clarity.
Together we will tailor a realistic and achievable plan for you, and you can start implementing instantly.
An eDISC behavioural profile is designed to help you get to where you want in life, by helping you better understand yourself and what strategies work best for you.
It helps you identify and predict your most comfortable way of doing things; and is a valuable tool in developing strategies shaped to your specific strengths and areas you want to develop.
Breakthrough Day
If you’re feeling stuck, sometimes it’s just best to take a quantum leap with audacious action.
A Block Busting Breakthrough Day is exactly how it sounds – it will be a day of breaking through any roadblocks that are in your way and preventing you from performing at your full potential. You don’t need to wait six months to take action – have the life-changing results you want right now.
revitaliser program
Your pathway to creating the tantalising, pleasurable relationship you desire!
Gain clarity on the vision and values you want for your relationship and revitalise it.
Gain clarity about what your unconscious relationship drivers are, discover how to communicate your needs effectively with your partner, change patterns of thinking and behaviour.
Frequently Asked Questions
According to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Association of Australia:
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a powerful body of information about how the human mind works built up since the 1970s and continuing to evolve through new research. At the heart of NLP is a wide range of methods and models for understanding how people think, behave and change. It offers a flexible approach which brings about positive, fast change in individuals and organisations and empowers them to adapt to an ever-shifting world. NLP training provides the skills to define and achieve your outcomes or goals and a heightened awareness of your five senses, allowing you to remain flexible, on track and maintain rapport with those around you.”
“NLP has a wide range of practical applications in business (e.g. management, personnel, sales, consulting), training and development, education, dyslexia, the helping professions, health, relationships, writing and the arts, sports, parenting, hobbies and personal development – anywhere communicating and excelling are important. The more you are interested in communication, personal effectiveness and development – the more NLP has to offer.” – NLPAA
“NLP is an amazing personal development and therapeutic tool.
An NLP Coach will be able to help you to achieve your goals, overcome blocks and help you create a sustainable motivation for the future. Coaching tasks may include starting a business, losing weight, writing a book, creating a savings plan, etc.
An NLP Practitioner will assist you in creating a well-formed goal for the future, create resources to help you get to your desired state and clear any blocks, limits and interferences which may stand in your way. Examples of some issues an NLP Practitioner may be able to help you with include: increasing self confidence, self-esteem, self-belief and self-worth; overcoming depression, anxiety, self-contempt, negative emotions, fears/phobias and self-doubt ; changing beliefs, strategies, thought patterns, behaviour patterns, and much, much more.” – NLPAA
An eDisc profile will give you a 25-30 page report that is essentially created from your responses to the online questionnaire you complete – results in the report are customised to you based on your unique responses and preferences. The report provides detailed and unique tips shaped from your responses to support you in your growth and development across all areas of your life. We will explore strategies that work best for you to support you in achieving your goals faster and with more clarity. Improve your communication with others by understanding how to communicate differently with those around you, in work, business and life in general.
I offer a range of packages all tailored specifically to you, to get you the results you want in life.
There are various packages which incorporate a range of techniques and are tailored according to what you would like to work towards or achieve. Packages range from $1,197 to $12,997 and equally vary in terms of what is included and duration.
Payment is required in-full prior to the coaching services being delivered – a payment plan can be accommodated however working together will not commence until payment is completed.